Friday 18 November 2011

Narrative Analysis Questions

In the opening to Halloween (the original) we see the main character (threat) Michael as a child, he see's his babysitter kissing a boy then dissapears upstairs with him then when Michael goes upstairs the babysitter is naked and he stabs her. Then his parents come home and see him with a knife. The camera then pans out which leads us to believe the film will then go to present tense (when michael is an adult). The fear is created when we see the babysitter being stabbed from a POV shot. It is created by using a restricted view (through the eyes of a mask) so we cant see everything that happens. This makes us intrigued but worried at the same time. It is quite dark lighting which adds to the fear. Also we dont see the threat untill the end, we only see the victim which adds to the mystery.


This is an example of the titles for the film Halloween as it's a film from our sub-genre. From these titles we can use the whole idea of the camera scanning over newspaper articles. We could use this by showing articles of missing people. We could also use the idea of having the titles of the film over a black background as this is what happens in a lot of the films in our sub-genre. We also like the idea of using the red writing on the black background.

Narrative ideas for horror film!

We should have the victim as a young vunerable girl in her late teens. The threat should be a man who is older than the girl. The man has an obsession with the girl and he keeps newspaper clippings of her and stalks her on facebook. He then kidnaps the girl.
The girl is unaware of this threat, but is involved in taking illegeal substances.
The girl should be wearing attractive clothing and the man should cover his face when he has the girl with him but should just wear old clothes, and big boots which are a specific colour so we can always know who the man is. For example, in Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Krueger wore a red and black striped jumper throughout the film, so this meant that red and black is associated with him in the film.
When we see the girl doing business with drug dealers, it will be the middle of the day, so we will not need any artificial lighting. We will have the girl walking down a normal street for when she is doing drugs. However, when the man has kidnapped the girl, they will be in a darkened room, with just one light in the room.

Wordle for horror!

I (abby) made a wordle for the horror movie Halloween (the original). The key features of the movie, which we can tell by the large words in the wordle, are house, babysitter and knife! The very biggest words are character names because it was created by copying the plot from wikipedia so the largest words are the most used. The second largest words are the words which would be considered important in the film... house, babysitter and knife are important because Laurie is babysitting in a strange house when her stalker shows up and threatens to kill her whilst his physciatric doctor tries to find him.

worldle for horror!

Wordle for horror!

I watched the film 'Scream' and have made a wordle for it. (Matt C)

Friday 4 November 2011

Final Coursework Group

Joe and I are now working with Matt for our final coursework group. We are making a slasher movie. This is a mind map of what we think the conventions of a slasher film are. We tried to base our horror film on aspects of the mind map. Things such as "threatening music" and "stalking" are very clearly seen in our horror movie. We see stalking in films such as Halloween. We hear threatening music in all types of horror films. We also used a mask to disguise our threat like you see in many films such as Scream!