Friday 18 November 2011

Narrative ideas for horror film!

We should have the victim as a young vunerable girl in her late teens. The threat should be a man who is older than the girl. The man has an obsession with the girl and he keeps newspaper clippings of her and stalks her on facebook. He then kidnaps the girl.
The girl is unaware of this threat, but is involved in taking illegeal substances.
The girl should be wearing attractive clothing and the man should cover his face when he has the girl with him but should just wear old clothes, and big boots which are a specific colour so we can always know who the man is. For example, in Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Krueger wore a red and black striped jumper throughout the film, so this meant that red and black is associated with him in the film.
When we see the girl doing business with drug dealers, it will be the middle of the day, so we will not need any artificial lighting. We will have the girl walking down a normal street for when she is doing drugs. However, when the man has kidnapped the girl, they will be in a darkened room, with just one light in the room.

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