Friday 20 April 2012

Question 3 (abby's evaluation)

We used this poster for inspiration because its from a slasher movie (the same genre as our film). We liked the font of the title and the idea of pictures of the characters but we used a screen shot of the characters with their backs to us so the threat isn't revealed until you watch the film. 

I liked this movie poster because the threat isn't revealed, you know she is female but don't know her features or her story. I also liked the references to the noose, its hanging at the bottom of the P in April Fool's Day and her hair is also shaped like a noose, implying a noose will be involved in a death in this film. 

Here is another movie poster, I didn't want to use this as inspiration as I thought it gave away too much about the threat and the weapon! I did like the tag line though, 'You've made it through Halloween, now try and survive Christmas.' which can be seen as a reference to the movie Halloween. 

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