Sunday 30 October 2011

AS media homework half term (Abby)

Use of camera;
Throughout our finished piece of work we prove we can hold the camera steady, especially at 18 seconds in when the camera starts to pan around the main characters face and remains steady for the whole shot. We have showed we can frame a shot appropriately by using showing clearly our focus of the shot, for example at 35 seconds in we use a close up to show the knife dripping with blood, this is used to scare the audience and so nothing else is in focus at that point, to help frame our shots better we could of used the rule of three more often, by having the character at one side of the shot instead of in the middle. We used a variety of shot types throughout the piece, for example at 35 seconds in we use a close up to show the knife but at 47 seconds in we use a mid shot to show one of the characters using the knife. We show a good use of composition techniques in the way the shots flow together, from being on one side of the door looking over the shoulder to being on the other side of the door watching the character walk in.

Use of editing;
Our finished piece of work shows that we can use continuity editing well because all the shots flow together without jumps or gaps. To improve this we could film more footage then we need because then we can always cut the shots down where as if we don't have enough footage we can't make some up. We have showed we can use appropriate editing transitions because at 23 seconds in we use a fade out and fade in to transition between walking through the door and being in the corridor. We only used it at this point because we didn't think they were needed or appropriate at any other points.

Selection of content;
Our finished work doesn't show we can choose appropriate costume because no particular costume was really needed other then a hoody for Joe but it does show we can choose props and make up as we have a knife for the weapon and when Chris is dead in the bath he has white face make up and dark eyes and blood everywhere, which fits in with the story line and makes since for his character. We chose appropriate location for the film as we used a house and the story was about a girl babysitting when she find her boyfriend dead in a bathroom so we couldn't of filmed outside. We chose good actors for our film because they were sensible and patient so we could get the filming done in our own time, this helped because it was our first big bit of filming we did so we needed to take our time to get all the shots correct.

Self assessment;
As Joe did the majority of planning, getting actors and drawing out a story board and time line, I did the majority of filming and did all the camera work, me and Joe both sorted costume together because we both made the fake blood and helped each other in all area's, I also chose the location (my house). The improvements we could of made to the finished film was to make sure nothing was in the background of the shots, eg camera bag. Also we should have planned the time of filming because it was set at night and we had all the lights off but there was light coming in from the windows which didn't make sence to the story. All I would do differently for the final film if pick an appropriate time for filming our final work.

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