Saturday 29 October 2011

Half term homework assignment (Joe)

Use of the cameraOur finished work shows that i am able to hold a shot steady as 5 seconds in, the camera pans and it is a steady pan and doesn't shake. I also believe it shows that I am able to use a wide variety of shot types, as throughout the video we used different shots. For example; 10 seconds in there is a closeup; 16 seconds there is a midshot; 27 seconds there is an over the shoulder shot. I also believe that there is a good use of composition techniques as when it is closeups of people's faces, their face is the main focus of the shot and nothing is distracting you from it.

Use of editing

I think that the final edit of the work shows that we can apply the rules of continuity quite well as when you watch it, it all flows together and there isn't anything that jumps or skips out little bits. As well, I think that we show we can use editing transitions appropriately to make it flow even more because at 25 seconds we faded one shot out and another in because before these shots didn't flow very well at all.

Selection of Content
I think that we did well with the selection of content because the makeup, props and costumes fit in well with the genre, and are also almost exactly the same as the content used in the original film that we were remaking.

Self Assessment
I contributed to the planning, filming and editing of the film. for the planning of the film, i got people in to do the acting in our film and also drew out the storyboard for the whole of the film, giving each shot a certain time limit so that when it came to filming we could be more precise. For the filming i was involved in the acting of the film and also helped abby with the camerawork in the parts that i wasnt acting in. I also got a few things needed for the costume of the guy in the bath (t-shirt).

To improve the film and also to take note of for when it comes to making the final coursework i think we should focus on making sure that we notice little things when filming rather than when editing. In the film, there is one point where you can see the camera bag in the background. and also, the lighting is not right as some points its dark as if it is night but then others there's daylight. I also think we should do each shot a few times over to make sure we can pick the best rather than just having one for each shot.

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