Friday 14 October 2011

Composition exercise

Today we did a composition exercise, this means we had to story board what we were going to do ourselves instead of being shown what to do. Then we had to go out and film our shots then edit them together. 
One thing me and Joe did well as a group was to plan a large variety of shots so when we were editing we had a master shot and a lot of different shots to choose from (close ups and panning). 
One thing we could of done better was try to make the shots flow so that when we edit them, they fit and make sense together. When we came to edit, our actor was walking at the end of one shot and running at the begining of the other, so the continuity was a little bit off.  

1 comment:

  1. Our teacher Mel, said that there were no jumps and it flows well but the bit with the P.O.V pan could of been a bit smoother and less rushed, so that section was as disorientating.
