Friday 16 March 2012

ABBY question 1 (evaluation)

Here is a logo from an existing film, it is from the company lionsgate. I liked this logo because of the use of red and black as they are colours related to horror. I also liked the fact that the background wasn't all one colour.

Here is the logo from our film. We used the colours red, black and gray because that is what we liked about the existing one. I also used a gradient for the background when creating it as I liked the idea of the background not being all one colour. 

Here is a screen grab from an existing films titles. The thing I liked about Halloween's titles, is that they are bold. They use black and orange because that makes it dark and orange relates to halloween but other than the pumpkin its quite plain and bold which I think is effective. 

Here is a screen shot from our own film titles. I have used a black background just like Halloween has to make it dark and spooky (a convention of a horror film) but instead of using orange writing I used red because red is symbolic of blood which relates to a slasher movie. I used bold writing as well because I think it looks effective. 

This is an image from Halloween that establishes the sub-genre (slasher). I feel this is a good image because the threat is wearing a mask hiding his identity. The victim is wearing lighter colours then the threat so show innocence and the victim is on a lower level than the threat to show that she is vulnerable. 

This is an image from our own movie, i think it establishes our sub-genre (slasher) because like the shot from halloween our threat is wearing a mask to hide his identity, he is taller than the victim so she looks vulnerable, she is also wearing a white top which shows innocence. Also she is screaming which shows she is scared of the threat. 

This is a shot from Halloween which establishes character. I think it does this because you can tell this girl is the victim. She is wearing light colour showing her innocence and the background is all dark to make it look scary. 

This shot from our film establishes character because you see the victim looking scared and innocent but the threat is wearing dark and looking very scary and imposing. 

This shot from Halloween establishes mise-en-scene because it shows the threats costume well. We can see his dark coloured jump suit (to show the opposite of innocence) and he is wearing his mask to hide his identity. 

This shot from our film shows mise-en-scene because its when you first see the threat put his mask on, so his costume becomes more threatening and scary.

4 key images from an existing film...

4 key images from our own film...

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