Saturday 10 March 2012

Question 3 - distribution - Joe

Distribution is what you use to try and get your film known and seen by more people. So things such as film trailers online, advertisements on the side of websites and posters.

A major motion picture distributor is 20th century fox. They distribute their films by using tv adverts, trailers on the internet and posters/advertisements. The example below is from the film 'Prometheus'. It shows the poster and YouTube trailer that they have used to distributor.       

This is the trailer for the film from YouTube. It shows the parts of the film that the company believed would be the best and most exciting parts of the film to try and draw in the audience to watching the film.

on the poster for the film, the company have tried to make the genre of the film clear by making it mysterious. The poster does not give away much about the film which would make people curious about it and make them perhaps want to go and see it more so that they could find out.

This is another poster that 20th century fox have produced for one of their films, 'Mirror 2'. On this poster, they have again made the genre of the film clear as they have the blood, broken glass and scary eyes/face of the woman. however, the poster does not give too much information away about what the film plot is.

Again, this is a poster from a 20th century Fox horror film and they have used the same methods as in the other two posters by making the genre obvious (blood) but still not making it clear what the story is, making people want to watch it. however, on this one they have also included the main character, Megan Fox, as she is a very well known actress that would bring audiences in.

One of the smaller, independant motion picture distributors is Hammer Films. They use the same methods as the major company to distribute their films, using trailers, posters and advertisements to get their films known.

An example of a Hammer Film and how they distributed it is 'Wake Wood'. The film's trailer can be found on youtube and other websites and is below. The poster is also below.

Although the trailer is available just as easily, the trailer for Wake Wood differs from the trailer to Prometheus. This trailer gives the audience far less information about the film and doesn't show any of the best bits, like the other trailer does. i think that this trailer is better as it shows enough to make you want to see it but not too much so that you know what happens. The independent distributors would do this so that people would be more likely to watch their film.

Here is the poster for Wake Wood. the company have used the same techniques as 20th century fox by making the genre of the film clear with the blood and the hand coming out of the ground but not letting too much of the storyline known.

This is a poster for another film by Hammer called The Resident. i think this poster is one that would influence the poster for my groups film as the storyline of the film is not too different to our own and the poster shows the fear of the female victim and the threat stood in the background, not completely in focus.

For my groups own film, we are going to create a poster to advertise it and when we are done we'll upload it to YouTube. as it is only a short film and we're not that experienced, another way we could distribute our film is by entering it into some sort of short film show around Nottingham in places such as 'QuickFlick'
If we were to get our film distributed properly we would use a local, independent distributor.

This is the poster that we made for our own film. we chose a key image from the film of the stalker following the girl and made sure you could see the stalker's weapon to show the danger. 

The video below explains what happens at the 'Bang! short film festival' in Nottingham. The video explains how it is a festival for directors who have made low or no budget films to get their films viewed. It also says that part of it is for young people wanting their films to be watched. This would be a good place for us to enter our video into in order for it to get noticed, especially as it is local.

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