Thursday 12 January 2012

Abby's Previous Student Marking.

Slasher 1

This film looks like a horror film because the opening sequence is spooky and flashes a lot to disorientate you. It does not have a range of shots, it is just a long shot of the girl lying on the sofa picking up and putting down the phone. To make it better the should have used close ups on the phone to show the importance of the phone. It is not well framed, the girl is in the middle of the screen throughout almost the whole of the film. It flows through the film because there is only one shot type used. It does not break continuity. It does not use Mise En Scene very well because there is only one shot used so we just see her surroundings and nothing else. The sound is a high pitched scraping which is used to create fear but does not do this very well.

I would give it a D and 29 out of 60.

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