Friday 27 January 2012

reflective evaluation question 1 - joe

Question 1

I have chosen the images below because they are films that are from the same genre as the film i have made. For our own film, I used conventions of a slasher film to make sure that it fitted in with the genre that we have chosen. Instead of trying to develop or challenge any of the forms and conventions my group decided to make our film completely conventional so that it was recognisable as a slasher film.

This image is one that establishes character. The character is the main one, Freddy Krueger who is the killer of the film. The way they establish the character and make him fit in with the conventions of a slasher is by giving him a disfigured face, which is usually seen with the killer in slasher films. Also, the weapons he uses, the knives on his finger show his threat and in slasher films killers always need weapons.

This is the image from our own film
that establishes character. The image establishes the character of the threat and it uses the conventions of the film well as it shows the character wearing a mask and by showing his weapon down by his side.

This image is to show the use of mise en scene in the film. The area of mise en scene i'm going to talk about is the props. The mask used for freddy, along with his weapons are the main props in the film and these are used to make the audience feel uncomfortable with the killer.

again, this image shows mise en scene in our film as it shows the characters costume of being all dark and the mask that the threat has. it also shows the threats weapon. both of these thins use the genres conventions as they are used to make the audience feel uncomfortable about this character.

4 key images:





1 - the blood is why i chose this picture as that is a big convention of slasher films, also the fact that the girl is the victim.
2. i chose this image because the composition of the image shows Freddy as the character being in power and the victim doesn't know she is about to be attacked and surprise attacks are big parts of slashers.
3. I chose this image because it introduces the main character. I also like the fact that there is very little lighting so Freddy is in the dark, which lets the audience know he is the villain.
4. This image shows Freddy's weapon he uses throughout the film emerging from the bathwater and again the female victim doesn't know shes is about to be attacked.

4 key images from own film:

1. this image is one that establishes the main threat. i think it is a key image because it is the one where we first see the threat's mask and it leads the audience into knowing that there's something strange about the character. it also fits in with conventions as the threat is wearing black.

2. this is the second key image. i think it is a key image because it's the one that first introduces the victim into the film. it fits in with conventions as the victim is a female, and she is also wearing white.

  3. this is the third key image from my film. i think it is a key image as it shows the threat coming up behind the victim and the victim does not know the threat is behind her. this fits in with the conventions as the victim doesn't know what's happening.
 4. the fourth key image shows both the threat and the victom through gates. i think this is a key image as the mise en scene used is quite good, it's dark which shows that it's mysterious. it also shows the difference between the threat and victim.

Here is an image of the logo used in nightmare on elm street. The logo uses the colour red in order to fit in with the conventions of a slasher film as it is a colour usually represented with danger and blood and both these things are things that appear often in slasher films.

here is an image of our own logo. it follows conventions as it has the darkness of the black figure and also has the red writing, to portray red for danger or blood.


The titles from nightmare on elm street use the same conventions as the logo does by using the colour red to imply danger and also to represent the colour of blood

this is an image of our logo for our film. again, it follows conventions as it has the black background and has red writing to hint at blood and danger.

This is an image that establishes

the sub-genre of the film, which is slasher. I believe the image establishes the genre because the girl shown in the image is covered in blood and quite clearly in distress. Both these things are related to the genre of a slasher.

i think this image sums up our sub genre very well. It is a shot showing the threat following the victim, without the victim knowing he is there and so it shows the stalker side of our genre. it also shows the conventions of the genre with the weird mask and the costume that both characters are wearing. black for the threat shows danger and the pink of the victim shows innocence.

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