Friday 27 January 2012

Reflective evaluation question 2 - Joe

Representation is the use of stereotypes of certain groups of people within films. Examples of the things that are seen within films are gender, social class, age and sexuality. I will be looking at the representations within these films because then i can see how films use them and then use them in my own film.


This is a video for the slasher film 'scream'. I chose to analayse this video in relation to gender as the victims in this video are all female. In slasher films, the majority of the time the victims are young females as the stereotype of young females is that they are weak and defenceless. Also, the killer in the film is a male, which is usually the case in slasher films.
This video is for another slasher film, Friday 13th. I chose to anyalyse the video in relation to age as in the video, all of the victims shown are teenagers who are out camping. This is another common film of slasher films, that the victims are young. This is mainly because, again, teenagers are seen as being in threat to others in todays world. And on the other hand, the killer is older, which is again a convention of slasher films.

2. in our planning for our own slasher film, we have used all of these techniques to represent our characters in the way a slasher film would. For example, our killer is male and our victim is a teenage girl. We decided as well to use a small teenage girl in order to make her look more defenceless.
In terms of our storyline, our film opening fits in with the stalker/slasher genre because the teenage girl is being followed by an unknown man.

This is our final film. When planning the film we had to think about representation and who we would have acting in our film, so we looked at other films of the same genre to get ideas. When thinking about the actors, we decided to use a young, small, female character for the victim and the threat was a tall, male character.

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