Thursday 12 January 2012

Joe's Previous Student Marking.

Slasher 1

There are many strengths and weaknesses to this short film. You can instantly tell it is a horror film because of the dimmed lights, the fuzzy television and the creepy music in the background. It has a range of shots, it opens with a long shot of the girl as she is watching the television and it pans across to find the source of the dialogue which is her speaking down the phone. They use lots of close ups for instance on the light when it does not turn on and the knife dripping in blood when we see the killer. It is not very well framed because there is a lot of the girl in the middle of the screen. They only use shots of the girl in the middle of the screen. It mainly flows well throughout the film, there are a couple of times when there are slight jumps, but nothing major. The sound has been used to create fear by it being high pitch and isn't very nice to listen to. It creates fear well because as you are watching the film you are unsure of what will happen next.
I would give them a B and 49 out of 60.

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