Friday 27 January 2012

Question 1, Matt!

I have chosen to use aspects of the film Scream by having our threat wear a mask. I used aspects of a slasher genre to make it the same as our slasher genre. Instead of developing or challenging the conventions of the film, I decided to make it recognisable as a slasher movie.

This is the opening logo for a production company. I think this shows that the film is going to be dark and scary. It suggests that there may be blood due to the red colour scheme. I like how the "LIONSGATE" is in capitals as it makes it stand out, also how it is grey increases the darkness of the logo because grey is often associated with horror.

This is our logo. Our logo has a knife in it so you can see that there will be a murder weapon in the film. 'Blood Shed' is in big red writing as red it associated with blood, and death and anger and these are common in horror movies. Our company is called Blood Shed Production but there is nothing much scary about 'production' but our name would've sounded silly if it had just been called Blood Shed.

This is the title of the film 'Scream 4' It is fairly simplistic with the exception of the '4' being in red and it is a '4' instead of an A. This showers a normal slasher theme because there is never anything to complicated in a slasher film. It develops a longing for something interesting to happen because of the simplistic title. It uses the red colour for the '4' is because there are many stabbing's throughout the film resulting in us seeing a lot of blood.

This is the title to our film called 'Stalker' It is simple but stands out. The scary font makes the audience feel like 'wow' when they see it. We have the title start off in red with a yellow streak come across it and then going back to red. 

This is a shot from a sub genre of a Slasher film. It shows blood coming through her neck just after being stabbed, we may use something like this because the girl is on her way to being tortured by the man in our film. She may at some point in the future be stabbed.

This image establishes character from our own film as it is a medium close up so you can see the characters facial expression. We can see she is scared which is logical because she is the victim.

This picture shows an image from the film 'Halloween' We are going to use a mask in our horror film, so this could be one type of mask we may use. It appears to be going for a comedy aspect to the kill which we would not use in our film because we are going to have a serious film.

This shot establishes mise en scene by showing that she is all alone in an area, you can see a road in the background but she is walking away from the road suggesting she is going into an isolated area.

This picture demonstrates the mise en scene because it shows they are isolated so anything could happen and no one would know. There is a look of shock on the woman's face because she has realised that someone is behind her. This is similar to our film because the 'stalker' in ours follows the girl home in an abandoned alleyway and then she realises that the threat is behind her.

This is a key image from 1408. We would use a shot like this to show they are isolated.

This is another key image from 1408. We may use a shot of the girl running her hands through her hair to show that she is scared.

This is a key image from Scream 3. This would appear in our film for when our stalker catches up to the girl and grabs her from behind.

This is a key image from Scream 4.

This is a key shot because it is the first time that we see the weapon that the threat it using.

This is another key image because we see both of the characters and we see that one is behind the other and that he is following her.

This is a key shot because it is when the threat grabs the victim.

This is the first time that we see the threat because in the titles before we do not see his face.

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