Friday 10 February 2012

The Ring - Opening Scene clip

shot reverse shot - In this clip, the shot reverse shot has been used to show the victim and then to show the threat that she is looking at. This will let the audience see both the threat and  the victim's reaction to the threat. In our own film, we will use this shot when we see the threat and then the girl to show that the threat is following the girl.

Position of tripod - in the clip, we see the use of different positions of the tripod when the tripod is on the floor to show the water that is coming from underneath the door. In our own film we will use the same kind of technique by putting the camera on the floor so you can see the girls feet and also see the threat in the background.

shot length - the clip uses different shot lengths to make the audience feel different emotions. for example, one shot is 7 seconds long to show that there is a chance of a threat appearing in the background and to build tension.
In our film we will use longer shots when the girls is looking around her in fear, to build tension. and we will use shorter length shots when the threat is grabbing the victim to show that it happens quickly.

shot type -  the clip uses lots of close-ups of the girls face to let the audience know what emotions she is feeling. The composition of  these shots also adds to the audience feelings as we can see things happening in the background and the girl can't giving us dramatic irony.
In our own film we will use both these methods to give the same feelings. The close-ups of the victim's face will show her emotions and the composition will show the threat coming up behind her. There will also be close-ups of the threat's weapon to show that is the danger.

shot angle - in the clip there is a high angle as we are looking down the stairs. This high angle shows that the victim is alone and isolated so gives the feeling she is vulnerable.
In our own film we will use canted angles to give the feeling that something is not quite right when the girl is walking down the alleyway.

colour - in the clip, the victim is wearing white clothing which is a colour usually associated with purity and innocence.
for our own film, we have the threat wearing dark clothing in order to fit in with the stereotype. our victim will be wearing white, like in the clip.

lighting - in the clip, when looking down the stairs you can see that the downstairs is lit up whereas the top of the stairs is dark this shows that the danger is coming from the upstairs.
in our own film we have used dark lighting in the threat's room to show the darkness of the character and we will also be filming the opening when it is dark (not too dark so you can still see it) to get a bit more of a sense of danger.

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