Monday 20 February 2012

Question 2 - Matt

Representation is how something is shown to us and whether it challenges stereotypes or not.
Understanding representation in the media is useful as it allows me to identify how to portray social aspects such as age and gender in my film.

My horror film represents gender because it shows women to be less strong to men as a woman is the victim and the man is a threat. Also age is represented because the man in our film looks older than the woman. - Scream 4 Trailer!
I am writing about Scream 4 in association with gender. This is because the majority of the victims in this film are teenage girls and women. The threat is a mixture between boys and girls but we think it is a male throughout the majority of the film. The woman are represented as quite weak where as the men are shown to be stronger, which is following the stereotype that woman are not as strong as men. - Friday 13th Trailer!
This is the trailer for the slasher film, Friday the 13th. We see age being represented in the film because the killer is attacking teenagers. This is stereotypical in the way that older people will be stronger than teenagers. We see age being represented through the teenagers by doing immature things and just messing around making it easier for the killer.

In our film when we see the girl by herself being lonely we see that she is a girl, and girls are stereo-typically weaker than men. We also see that she is a teenager and that the male clown figure is a man. We now know that the male is going to be stronger and would not have trouble getting the girl.

Wordle: Untitled

This is a wordle I made which highlights some of the key words about representation.

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