Monday 20 February 2012

Question 3- Matt

This is our poster.

Distribution is how a production company would get a media product out to the general public. This can be selling the product in shops or online. It would also involve putting posters up around the country and making the trailer seen by putting it on youtube and television. They could put posters in places such as on the side of buses, telephone boxes and billboards.

If we were to release our film, we would plan to release it on the 1st of July because then it is close to the beginning of the summer holidays so it would be easier for many people to go and see the film. We would put posters up on telephone boxes and other such places. We would have the trailers before films such as G.I Joe - Retaliation, The Avengers and Battleship because these are major films and are likely to cause a lot of interest meaning the trailer we'd create would be shown to millions of people. - Bang! Short Film Festival Nottingham clip

Bang! Short Film Festival Nottingham is another way we could distribute our film, because we could show it to a wide audience and someone may like the film and hire us.

This is one way that we could distribute our film, YouTube. This Slasher film already has 139 views so  if we distributed it that way, we could have just as many. We could use Social Networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. We could distribute it to our friends to get there opinion and hopefully we could get some interest in it that way. - Woman In Black Trailer

Hammer are the company producing 'The Woman In Black' film that has recently came out. This trailer was there main way of distributing the media product. Also they distributed it to the television and before other films in the cinema, they played the trailer. I think the reason they had so much power whilst releasing the trailer is because The Woman in Black came out in the theater first so many people would already know the story so they could get sponsored easier.
This is the poster for 'The Woman In Black'. Hammer studios put up posters in places like at a bus stop or the inside of shop windows. They will have released these on the same day as the trailer. - The Cabin In The Woods Trailer

This trailer was released onto Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and many other social networking sites. It was shown in the cinema and on television. It had posters up on billboards everywhere, at bus stops and train stations.

The difference between the top two films and the bottom film is that The Cabin in the Woods will have lots of money because Lionsgate are such a big company where as Blue and Black films and Hammer studios are smaller and much more independent. This means they cannot distribute there trailers and merchandise as easily.

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